We’d like to answer a few questions you might have as you decide to be our guest.
1.What time is your service?
Our Worship Services start at 3:00pm every Sunday.
(Prayer begins at 2:45pm)
2. How do I get there?
Freedom's services are held at:
750 Marne Highway, Moorestown, NJ 08057
3. Is there a dress code?
We have a casual church environment, so feel free to come as you are! That can mean jeans, a t-shirt, shorts, sandals, or something fancier. It’s up to you. Generally speaking, if you’re comfortable, we’re comfortable.
4. Will I be singled out if I’m new?
We try to make sure that our guests can relax without fear of being embarrassed. We don’t announce guests or make them stand and say anything. Guests are encouraged to complete a Connect Card and pick up a newcomers gift.
5. Are you going to ask for money?
Freedom members, church attendees, and Ministry Partners support the church financially. We don’t expect our guests to do that. We do have collection boxes available during our services. However, only give if you feel led to do so.
6. Is Freedom affiliated with a denomination?
Freedom is an independent, non-denominational church. However Freedom does fellowship with many churches and is apart of the Word Covenant Fellowship of Churches International, under the leadership of Apostle Patricia A. Phillips.